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Central Management Board (DPP)

The National Information and Communication Technology Entrepreneurs Association (abbreviated as APTIKNAS) is a form of professional organization that has transformed from the previous association called the Indonesian Computer Entrepreneurs Association (APKOMINDO) which was founded in 1991 (32 years ago), APKOMINDO is the oldest ICT association in Indonesia.

APTIKNAS was founded by entrepreneurs, practitioners and educators in the ICT sector throughout Indonesia, with the number of founders reaching 100 people.

APTIKNAS was declared on February 24 2017 and has official legality from the Kumham Decree since April 26 2017.

Chairman of APTIKNAS: Ir. Soegiharto Santoso, SH. (Hoky)

Secretary General: Muzakkir

Treasurer: Andri Sugondo

2017-2022 period

RI KUMHAM Decree Number:  AHU-0007054.AH.01.07.TAHUN 2017

Chairman of APTIKNAS: Ir. Soegiharto Santoso, SH. (Hoky)

Secretary General: Fanky Christian

Treasurer: Andri Sugondo

Period 2022-2027

RI KUMHAM Decree Number: AHU-0000091.AH.01.08.TAHUN 2023

Complete Organizational Structure of APTIKNAS Central Management Board (DPP) Period of Service 2022 – 2027

1. General Chairman : Ir. Soegiharto Santoso, SH. (Hoky)

2. Secretary General : Fanky Christian

3. Deputy Secretary General 1 : Nursamsi

4. Vice Secretary General 2 : Puguh Kuswanto

5. General Treasurer : Andri Sugondo

6. Deputy General Treasurer : Sugiyatmo

7. Waketum 1 – Digital Talent : Sandy Kusuma

8. Chairman of the Training Committee: Hendra Aryawan Sutanto

9. Chairman of the Professional Certification Committee: Totok Sedyantoro

10. Chairman of the Blockchain & Crypto Committee : Edward Guustaaf

11. Chairman of Komtap Software : Andy Djojo Budiman

12. Chairman of the Multimedia Animation Committee: Ardian Elkana

13. Chairman of Komtap AI : Karim Taslim

14. Chairman of the Immersive Technology & web3.0 Committee: Andes Rizky

15. Chairman of the Cloud Computing Committee: Sutedjo Tjahjadi

16. Waketum 2 – Cyber Security : Onno W Purbo

17. Chairman of the Tap Cyber Security Regulation : Gildas Deograt Lumy

18. Chairman of the Cyber Security Assessment Committee: Veldy Reynold Umbas

19. Chairman of the Cyber Security Awareness Committee: Alfons Tanujaya

20. Chairman of the Cyber Security Solutions Committee: Yuliasiane Sulistiyawati

21. Chairman of Komtap Cyber Talent : Purwadi

22. Waketum 3 – Cooperation & Events And International Relations : Andi Mulja Tanudiredja

23. Chairman of the Tap for Cooperation & Events: Aditya Adiguna

  1. Member of the Committee for Cooperation & Events: Muzair

25. Chairman of the Activities / Events Committee: Yolanda Roring

26. Members of Komtap Activities / Events : Gani Taufik/ Glenn

27. Chair of the Committee for Foreign Cooperation : Soetresno Hartanto

28. Member of the Committee for Foreign Cooperation : Mohammad Haickal

29. Waketum 4 – Organization, Law & Media : Heintje Mandagie

30. Chairman of the Cadre and Membership Organization (OKK) Comtap: Brian Sokhily Lasse

31. Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee: Andy Christopher/ Kho Miauw Djung

32. Member of the Legal Committee : Vincent Suriadinata

33. Chairman of the Communications Media Committee: Teddy Tjan

34. Waketum 5 – Smart City & Industry 4.0 : Tritan Saputra

35. Chairman of the Smart City Komtap: Rudi Hidayat

36. Smart City Komtap Member: Donal Pangihutan

37. Chairman of Komtap Robotic : Yohanes Kurnia Widjaja

38. Chairman of Komtap Industry 4.0 : Ikhsan Khardiaz/ Bong Khim Hong

39. Waketum 6 – Marketplace & Creative Economy : Andy Ho/ Poey Peng An

40. Chairman of Komtap Marketplace Retail : Buntoro Kadarusman

41. Komtap Marketplace Retail Member: Mariman Muhardi

42. Chairman of Komtap Online Marketplace : Christian Bernard/ Kiki

43. Chairman of the Marketplace Community Committee: Tjiew Susanto

44. Waketum 7 – Government & Regulatory Relations : Sutardi

45. Chairman of the Government Regulatory and Policy Analysis Commission : Budi Pramana Ginting

46. Chairman of the Public Strategic Relations Committee: Denny Siandi

47. Chair of the PDN and MSME Development Committee : Eri Yanto

48. Chair of the Village & Vocational Empowerment Committee: Dadang Setiawan

49. Chairman of the Regional Government Cooperation Committee: Cepu Supriyanto

50. Member of the Regional Government Cooperation Committee: I. Rozikin

51. Chairman of the Licensing and Investment Committee: Tommy Wilmark Tampubolon

52. Member of the Licensing and Investment Committee: Priyo Dwi Cahyono