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APTIKNAS Discusses 5 Futures of Information and Communication Technology in Indonesia

The National Information and Communication Technology Entrepreneurs Association (APTIKNAS) presented an overview of the future of Information Technology and Communication Technology in Indonesia.

In the press statement received, according to Fanky Christian as Secretary General of the DPP APTIKNAS, there are several factors that can be determining so that the Information Technology and Communication Technology Industry can develop rapidly in Indonesia.

On the occasion of the recent discussion, he was accompanied by Andri Sugondo (General Treasurer), Sutardi (Deputy General Chair for Government and Regulatory Relations), Andi Tanudiredja (Deputy General Chair for Event Cooperation and International Relations) and Michael Edward (Secretary of the DKI Jakarta DPD).

  1. Legal Certainty

According to APTIKNAS, business or industrial actors need clear legal certainty, because running a business/industry in the field of Information Technology or Communication Technology requires large costs.

“Entrepreneurs in the field of information or communication technology basically strictly comply with the rules, it’s just that there are several incidents where individuals can get relaxation of these rules without it being clear where it comes from, this then creates regulatory uncertainty.”

  1. Openness

The rapid growth of Information and Communication Technology is like a double-edged sword, so according to APTIKNAS, running a business in the field of Information and Communication Technology requires openness.

“The existence of cases of cyber attacks on several state institutions should make us more serious in the Information and Communication Technology Industry, not then look for reasons to protect ourselves.”

  1. Education

APTIKNAS has collaborated a lot with the campus world, especially offering internship programs for several campuses.

“We realize that there is still a big gap in Indonesian human resources regarding Information and Communication Technology innovation, so we need to prepare Indonesian human resources who can control or create innovation in the field of Information Technology.”

  1. Cybersecurity

APTIKNAS also realizes that security issues are a focus in the development of Information and Communication Technology.

“The existence of Personal Data Protection regulations must be able to overcome the potential for personal data theft in society.”

  1. Cooperation

APTIKNAS realizes that the world of Information and Communication Technology is very broad, so it is necessary to build a lot of cooperation to manage the Information and Communication Technology industry.

“We have often carried out various activities with BSSN, LKPP, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Industry and Kominfo to discuss issues in the world of Information and Communication Technology.”

In fact, most recently APTIKNAS was involved in the program to launch Warung NKRI Digital in Klaten on February 7 2024, the result of collaboration between BNPT and the Information & Communication Technology Alignment Committee (KPTIK) which was attended by the Chairman of the DPP APTIKNAS Ir. Soegiharto Santoso, SH., as Expert in the BNPT RI Digital NKRI Warung Partnership.

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